

Sunday, October 11, 2009

hearing God

Tonight we had a great talk in our family meeting about prayer, how it's not just talking, but listening, too. Danny and I shared stories about times we've sensed God speaking to us. Eliana was totally absorbed in the conversation. Then we opened the book we're using for family devotions (Right Choices by Kenneth Taylor), and were all shocked to see that today's lesson was about the importance of prayer (could God be saying something ...?). Eliana supposed that if we really stopped to pray about our meeting and allow God to be in charge then we would likely start "spilling out confessions". Indeed!

Emma was very interested to hear how God answers prayer. She's been praying for a Filipino friend who is battling cancer. Emma has never met this woman, but prays almost daily "that You would come down and give Aunt Connie a miracle." We just heard a story this weekend about a 4-year-old boy with terminal cancer who was completely healed, so we know God is still in the miracle business! After our prayer Eliana reported that just then she sensed God speaking gently to her about something. Confessions followed shortly thereafter (as predicted!). There is nothing more precious than to see your own children open their hearts to the Lord!

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