

Friday, February 19, 2010


There is something really special about a four-and-a-half year old girl.  Emma is so full of life!  Her wide eyes just sparkle as she tells me her latest idea (usually related to a birthday party which is still, unfortunately, 6 months away). 
One of the biggest thrills of being a parent, I think, is teaching my kids to read. Emma is really getting the hang of it and is so motivated to practice every day so that she can get a special prize when she makes it to the end of her phonics book (a Lunchable!). She'll be surprised to find out that "vengtable" doesn't have an 'n' and "unrase" is not a word, though it makes a lot more sense to me than 'erase.'

She's decided, by the way, to be a doctor when she grows up, and also a "saver," which means when people are in trouble and need help she'll rescue them. She gets pretty good practice on her little brother. Today she announced that she would be gone for a while and wondered if I would be willing to watch her baby (i.e. Easton). I told her I would be glad to do that for her. She was so pleased and said to me with great seriousness, "You'll have to keep an eye on him. He's rippable and messable!" (translation: If you don't keep an eye on him he'll rip things and mess them up!) And she's right! So I watched him closely.

We spent Valentine's weekend at a missionary guest house in Virginia.  It's basically a bed and breakfast, except you get lunch and dinner, too, and it's FREE.  We had been talking with the host for a while when he said, "Well, I'd better go study for my Sunday School lesson."  Emma had been playing quietly on her own, but she perked right up and came to me with eyes like saucers.  In a fierce whisper she said, "I didn't know misters studied!"  It was so precious.  One of these days I'll have to take her along to class to see that most of the ones studying are misters!  In her little world, studying is for mommies. :)

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