

Sunday, March 28, 2010


That's right.  We have a nine-year-old.  Crazy how time flies.

Eliana has been growing her hair out for quite some time now, hoping to donate it to 'Locks of Love.'  Well, last week we chopped off 10 inches!  We're so proud of her willingness to share her long, beautiful hair with a child who needs it.  Here's the before (taken back in October) and after (with Dad and Easton) ...

Maybe it's just me, but her hair cut seemed to launch her into the next level of maturity!  She is taking responsibility for her own schedule, helping out cheerfully at home, and exercising a lot of creativity with her friends.  Eliana continues to be an avid reader, excels in school, and is growing in her faith.She's been working on a fun project with a neighbor up the street since October.  They adapted a play from a magazine, typed it all out, staged it, assigned roles to the other neighbor kids, and have been having practices twice a week since January with virtually no adult involvement.  They're hoping to perform the play during spring break and use the proceeds to donate to a charity.  It's been a great opportunity for her to learn about leadership and teamwork.  We're so thankful that God entrusted her to us!



  1. Oh my word! You're right about the hair cut! She looks so much older! Abiel is planning to donate to the Locks of Love too. You are doing a GREAT job raising a world changer! I love you guys. And your little man, oh my goodness he is a cutie! Blessings friend! Every year gets better with my kids. I know it will for you too.

  2. Oh wow she is growing in so many ways! Give her and the other two a great big hug from John, Kristin, and Charlotte!!!

  3. Eliana, your hair was beautiful long but is oh so cute short! You are growing in to such a great young lady! I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing a video of your play someday!!
