

Thursday, April 1, 2010

full-er hands

Well, I guess today's a good day to let you all in on our little secret.  I've just finished my first trimester, and everything is looking great with the newest little member of our family!  Some of you will be shocked that we felt like we were ready to add even more to our busy lifestyle.  And to tell you the truth, we were surprised, too! But once you have 3 kids, the more the merrier, right?  I'm due at the end of September, which will mean that my last year in seminary will have a lot of added adventure.  I'll be taking two classes, possibly homeschooling Emma and Easton, preparing to write my thesis, giving birth at home, keeping house, and nursing a new baby.  The big question is whether they will have rooms for nursing moms at ETS next fall (I didn't see any last year).  Just kidding.  We are happily the parents of a completed family, and I am happily not pregnant.  Did I fool ya?


  1. You TOTALLY got me!!!! Then again, I've always been gullible! I must admit, I read with my jaw on the table, thinking, "SHE is amazing!!" Love you!

  2. you nut! My jaw was open too. Talk about divine providence, thought I. ;)

  3. Not only am I "fooled" I am disappointed!! But, I will admit that the "news" took my breath away with all that would have been "on your table!"
