

Friday, May 28, 2010


We've had a lot of milestones lately in our family.  Here are some highlights:

Emma graduated from preschool!  After 3 great years in our church's preschool, she's heading to Kindergarten.  We're proud of her for working hard and being a good friend.  She did one last round of kindergarten testing yesterday and had a great attitude.

Eliana and Emma performed a play with the neighborhood kids and raised $54 for Compassion International's Disaster Relief Fund by selling lemonade to the audience.  There were 53 of us there to enjoy early memorial day picnic.  It was a great opportunity for neighbors to meet each other.  The kids worked long and hard on the play (8 months, actually!) with almost no adult involvment and did a great job.  Eliana's other milestones this week were her solo in the church musical and reaching her reading goal for the school year.  She read 2 million words for the Accelerated Reader program, which included a total of 122 books (most of them chapter books).  Wow!

I finished my spring coursework!  Now that school is wrapping up for all three of us gals in the family, we're thinking a lot about how to spend our summer together.  I'll be taking one Hebrew Exegesis class (focusing on the Jacob narratives in Genesis), and working on some other school-related projects, but I'm hoping it's a lighter load than last summer.  Eliana is taking swimming lessons for the first time, and attending a historical summer day camp for a week, and we're all looking forward to trips to the library (if it's open!), swimming, playing games, and having indoor picnics (too hot here to have them outside!).  We're headed to Oregon and Washington for a few weeks from late July to early August to see family and friends.  All in all I'm excited to have more time to spend with my precious kids.  They are growing up so quickly!  Are they cute or what?!


  1. Absolutely Adorable! Have a great summer! Love you all.

  2. If you are in Portland at the end of July, you and your family would be very welcome at Chip and my wedding. :) We would love to see you.
