

Sunday, June 21, 2015

on being extraordinary

Are you extraordinary?

On a whim, we counted all the books and magazines in our house the other day.


That's quite a few! I don't know if it really makes us extraordinary, but I do know that it affords us the opportunity to spend extraordinary days traveling the world, learning new skills, pondering profound insights, and walking a mile in someone else's shoes. I love seeing my kids lost in a book, knowing that it expands their thinking and enlarges their soul.

A bookless house is a prison for the mind.

If you want to unlock your cell, check out my "best books" lists on the right-hand side of this post. There's one just for kids. And one for the best books I've read about the Bible and the life of faith. These books have changed my thinking and shaped who I am.

In the meantime, my kids and I want to know how many books and magazines you have at your house. Count them and post the total in the comments section below. My parents have over 1000 (which is proof of my happy childhood). How about you?

Remember, the quickest way to stunt your growth is to stop reading.

1 comment:

  1. When I opened a Goodreads account I entered all of "my" books and some of the kids' books as Owned Books. That list is currently at 352. However, that doesn't include the vast majority of our picture books, school books, or magazines. I feel safe in saying that our total is probably around 1000. Plus, we borrow physical and digital library books constantly.
