

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pacific Northwest Regional ETS Meeting

Calling all evangelical pastors, theologians, and biblical scholars in Oregon and Washington! 

The NW regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society will be held 

at Multnomah University
8435 NE Glisan Street
Portland, OR 

Dr. Karen Jobes, Professor Emerita, Wheaton College
Non-members are welcome to attend this stimulating day of paper presentations, including a plenary address by Dr. Karen Jobes, professor emerita of Wheaton College. Her talk is entitled, “It Is Written: The Septuagint and Our Doctrine of Scripture.” Dr. Jobes is known for her work on the Septuagint, her commentaries on 1 Peter and the Johannine epistles, her participation on the NIV translation committee, and a lengthy list of other professional accomplishments. Last year her commentary on the Johannine epistles earned the Christian Book Award for "Best in Bible Reference"!

Until her retirement last year, Dr. Jobes was a member of my dissertation committee and I had the honor of working as her research assistant during my last semester on campus. I assisted her in the writing and editing of a guided reader on the Septuagint, due out this month from Kregel Academic. 

I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Jobes to the Pacific Northwest. You are warmly invited to join us! The cost is only $10. More information is available here.

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