

Friday, December 20, 2019

Podcast Tour: Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters

I've had several opportunities to interview about Bearing God's Name across a wide range of venues. As the interviews go live, I'll keep adding the links below. Choose your favorite and give it a listen!

Podcast Interviews

The Naked Bible Podcast with Michael Heiser (74 minutes)
We discuss the nature of Old Testament law, the heart of biblical theology, and what it's like to be a woman in the world of biblical scholarship.
Heath in Pursuit with Heath Hollensbe (48 minutes)
This was such a fun interview! We talk about the Ten Commandments, the beauty of the Old Testament, the power of liminal space, how to find Jesus in the Old Testament, and more.
The Shaun Tabatt Show (29 minutes)
Shaun asked such great questions! We talked about the relevance of the OT and what we miss if we "unhitch" from it, the uniqueness of God's personal name, the power of liminal space, the literary structure of Exodus, the Ten Commandments, my favorite Hebrew word, the meaning of Exodus 20:7, and how it relates to the Lord's Prayer. I also tell the story of some miracle french bread.
Disrupters Podcast with Esau McCaulley (48 minutes)
Esau and I discussed my journey into biblical studies as a woman and consider ways to encourage women and minorities in scholarship. I tell stories of how I was disruptive as a kid. I claim that the lists of names in Numbers are very good news. We also touch on the book, in particular reconciling my very positive view of the Torah with Paul's view. Esau wants you all to know that he started reading my blog long before I was famous. 
Food Trucks in Babylon (Western Seminary) with Patrick Schreiner and Todd Miles (51 minutes)
In this interview I show how uncultured I am when it comes to eating out, and I make my best attempt to bridge to the disciplines of theology and New Testament studies. This was a good conversation about what's at stake when we "unhitch" from the Old Testament.
Bible Project with Tim Mackie and Jon Collins (56 minutes)
Join us as we talk about the Name Command (Exodus 20:7), how the Israelite high priest is a visual model of the role of Israel as a nation, how this relates to the temple being the "place of the name," and how God's name is profaned and sanctified. We touch on the Lord's Prayer, John's vision in Revelation, and the way the my book breaks new ground in publishing. As a bonus, we also talk about how we met and how Ray Lubeck influenced all three of us. Little known fact: Jon Collins was one of my first students!
OnScript with Matt Lynch (55 minutes)
We discuss what's new about the new covenant, what it means to be God's treasured possession, and how to interpret the command not to "take" God's name in vain. I talk about the influence of my mentor, Daniel Block. We also do a "speed round" in which I answer the question, "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"
The Outpost with Josh McNall

Radio Interviews

Prairie Radio with Dan Callaway (17 minutes)
We discuss the release of Bearing God's Name and some of its big ideas.
Songtime Radio with Adam Miller (27 minutes)
We talk about why the Old Testament is essential for Christians and how we can find grace in it.
Remnant Radio with Josh Lewis and Michael Roundtree (66 minutes)
We talk about the OT law and how it applies to Christians, how different denominations count the 10 commandments differently, what's new about the new covenant, and how Jesus relates to the law.


  1. Really enjoyed TNB podcast with Heiser... that was great discussion that I bet could have gone on for a lot longer if time had permitted!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! Yes, so many things we could have talked about.

  2. Carmen, thanks for sending me this link! I listen to so many of these podcasts already! You will undoubtedly add even more to their discussions - can't wait!

    1. You're welcome, Lauren! Thanks for keeping in touch!
