

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Five Things They Didn't Tell Me about Writing a Book

Bearing God's Name
turned one month old yesterday! I had watched all the helpful training videos from InterVarsity Press about writing, editing, and marketing my book. But like parenting, no matter how much you prepare, there are still surprises. Here's what they didn't tell me:

1. They didn't tell me how much time it would take.

I wrote the book in one summer. And then I mostly waited. I anticipated this, as editors and peer reviewers took their turn, followed by copyeditors and graphic designers. Now and then I had a job to do -- responding to suggestions or checking page proofs. But I think I imagined my work would be basically finished when the final document headed off to print. In reality, that's when the big push began.

Last semester I had a lighter teaching load. I had big plans for all the writing I was going to do with my extra time. I did write a bit, but mainly I got ready for the book launch by taking on extra speaking engagements -- in Washington and Oregon and Texas and California and Alberta. I created memes, contacted speaking venues, set up events, traveled, ordered books, interacted with book stores, tracked book sales, responded to readers, interviewed for podcasts, and wrote blog posts. The whole process has taken tons of energy.

2. They didn't tell me what a splash it would make.

The fact that it's been time-consuming sounds negative. But here's what's blowing me away:

People are reading my book.
Pastors are preaching about it.
Teachers are teaching about it.
Parents are telling their children.
Facebook groups are discussing it.
Couples are processing it together.
Small groups are deciding to read it this year.

One man looked up every Scripture reference in the entire book to check my work. He gave a glowing report.

Readers are telling their friends and writing reviews and recommending it to their pastors. Some of the top Christian podcasts have interviewed me about the book.
The message is getting out there that the Old Testament matters for Christians, and that if we want to understand our identity and vocation as believers, we need Sinai.
 This is a dream come true!

Me at the book launch with 
James Enns (Photo: Sheena Mejia)

3. They didn't tell me how many new friends I would gain.

I hear daily from readers -- people I don't even know -- who are grateful for this book. They are befriending me, not just in the sense of following me on Facebook, but in some cases letting me into their lives and their stories.

This week I heard from the parents of a reader who is so on fire about the book that it is changing her relationship with God. She can't get enough of God's Word. This couple drove 45-minutes one way just to meet me and thank me in person.

For some reason, I didn't anticipate this. I've probably been in the academic bubble for too long. When I published my dissertation in 2018, I heard from a grand total of about 5 people who took the time to tell me how much they learned from it. Now I'm hearing from that many people every day.

4. They didn't tell me my dream was too small.

My dream was to write a book that the whole church could read. In reality, I imagined my parents, friends, and students' parents reading it.

My dream was to write a book with IVP, a reputable publisher that consistently produces quality books for Evangelicals. I pictured how my book would look in their catalog, and the thrill of seeing my name on the cover. I even had the audacity to imagine my book on the shelves of brick and mortar stores. I just hadn't imagined, or hadn't dared to imagine, what would happen next.

Book Launch (Photo: Sheena Mejia)

IVP has already ordered three printings of the book! Barnes and Noble is carrying it, along with a bunch of seminary bookstores. Library Journal highly recommended it. Christianity Today promoted it. IVP chose it as a Book Club selection and gave copies to women at the IBR breakfast. Bearing God's Name was consistently in the top 5 new releases in multiple categories on Amazon this month. And we're just getting started. The book is only one month old!

5. They didn't tell me how much fun this would be!

The whole experience has far exceeded my expectations. I've discovered that not only do I enjoy writing, but I also enjoy marketing. Even more than that, I enjoy interacting with readers. And I can't wait to get started on the sequel!


  1. Congratulations! Beautiful family to top it off! Keep humble, keep holy, keep joyful!

  2. I loved this one and I'm so excited for the sequel!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! I'm so grateful for your prayers!
