

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Best Books of 2021

As usual, I've compiled a list of the most important books I read this year. The only criteria are that I read them in full and found them well written, helpful, and worth sharing. I read 42 books this year, ranging from youth fiction to published dissertations. Many of them were very good! These are the ten books I recommend most highly across several genres. (You can find brief reviews of all the books I read on GoodReads).

Children's Picture Book

The Story of God with Us is luminous and profound, grounded yet winsome. This is a children's book for a new generation of discerning parents and grandparents. Today more than ever, our world craves a unifying narrative and yet expects excellence. Aedan Peterson's illustrations bring delight to the biblical narrative so thoughtfully retold by Kenneth Padgett and Shay Gregorie. The Story of God with Us is a gift to behold! Best of all, this book is the first of many from a brand new publisher, Wolfbane Books. I love their Bible Project-esque vision of teaching biblical theology to kids in a captivating way.

Young Adult Fiction

Everything Sad is Untrue (A True Story) is the well-told true story of a 12-year-old Iranian refugee in Oklahoma. It's a gift to see the world through his eyes. You'll discover the beauty of Persian culture and become more aware of aspects of your own culture that you take for granted. Reading this book will help you develop empathy for the plight of those who are forced to leave their homes because of religious persecution. We listened to the audio book narrated by the author on a long drive. The book has won multiple awards, and it's no wonder why!

Adult Fiction

All the Light We Cannot See is a Pulitzer Prize winning work of historical fiction set in France during WWII. I listened to the audio book on our move from Canada to Southern California, and it made the hours fly by. Such an intricate plot and compelling characters!

Books in Biblical Studies

Abraham's Silence is the most important book I read this year in biblical studies, and I was so honored to have been able to endorse it. Richard Middleton revisits a familiar Old Testament story -- the binding of Isaac in Genesis 22 -- and turns it on its head. What if Abraham is not the hero of this story? What if this story demonstrates his failure rather than his faith? Middleton pairs a close reading of Genesis 22 with the book of Job and the lament psalms, suggesting that Abraham fell short of truly knowing Yahweh and what he desires. God invites prayers of protest, not silent and unquestioning obedience. I will never read this story the same way again!

Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? was a rich read from one of my favorite Old Testament scholars. Michael Morales unlocks the book of Leviticus, showing its literary design and tracing its themes. I'm so grateful for his careful work.

Books on Christian History

Kristin Kobes Du Mez' Jesus and John Wayne ought to come with a gift certificate for therapy. As a child, I had a book by Ann Jonas called Round Trip. It is a picture book that you read from start to finish, then flip over and read upside down back to the beginning. All the images in the book work right-side up as well as upside down. Jesus and John Wayne turned my childhood narrative upside down. Du Mez resituated household names like James Dobson and Ronald Reagan -- even Billy Graham -- in a wider field of view to show me the shadows they cast. Christian retail, "family values," "law and order," homeschool networks, and men's retreats all changed shape, too, under Du Mez' careful scrutiny. For those (like me) who thought that Evangelical support for Donald Trump was a puzzling anomaly, Du Mez demonstrates that it fits squarely in the Evangelical narrative as it has developed over the past 50 years. She guides readers through decades of religious and political leadership to highlight the emergence of a militant, masculine version of Christianity that has captured the imagination of white Evangelicals. I'm thankful for Du Mez' careful work to expose the abuses and imbalances of white Evangelicalism. Her voice contributes to a collective day of reckoning. I pray it's not too late.

Robert Chao Romero's Brown Church approached the history of Christianity from a different angle, outlining centuries of Latina/o Christian social engagement and theological reflection. For Latinos who feel there is little room for them in the brand of evangelicalism described by Du Mez in Jesus and John Wayne and for others who long for authentic Christianity, Romero recovers a rich heritage. For those of us who have thought only of Latin America as a mission field rather than a model and source of inspiration, this book offers an invitation to flip the script and begin learning.

Books for Academics

The Flourishing Teacher was my companion through a year of teaching. I've written about it before, but it bears repeating. Christina Bieber Lake has an uncanny knack for knowing just how I'm going to feel at any given point in the academic year. She offers sage advice for professors with lots of grace. In this book, I gained a mentor and friend.

Another treasure this year was a book Lake recommends, The Courage To Teach by Parker Palmer. Palmer goes beyond technique to nourish the soul of educators. I read through it with a group of colleagues and found it inspiring and practically helpful.

BONUS: New Reference Tool

I must admit that I have not read all 1000+ pages of Gary Schnittjer's new exegetical resource, but I expect to keep turning back to it for years to come. The first of its kind, The Old Testament Use of Old Testament catalogues and discusses exegetical allusions, that is, places where the Old Testament unpacks or develops other passages from the Old Testament. Schnittjer has carefully assessed the strength of each potential passage and highlighted key issues for busy professors, pastors, and students.  

I have a tall stack of books I'm hoping to read in 2022. What's on your list to read?


  1. A great list. You've inspired me to write my own list on my blog to close the year. Your reading is broader than mine, as I've focusing a lot on American history in the 18th and 19th centkuries this past year.

    1. Thanks, Bob! I mostly read in biblical studies, but this year we had several LONG drives, which are great for audio books in other genres.

  2. Thank you for this! (I couldn't finish Jesus and John Wayne- it upset me so much! I, too, hope it's not too late!)

    1. I can understand not finishing J&JW. It's a punch to the gut.

  3. Oh, with envy green am I that you were able to read so much. Our current work/life balance of time choices doesn't allow. But, I have been able to engage some intellectual stimulation beyond professional readings and continuing education.

    One is, I started 'the certificate program' at Baylor's Truett Seminary. It's all online now with the COVID but when allowed there are intermittent one weekend on campus classes. Two years ago it was Malachi. My readings this year were 'The Good and Beautiful God ' by James Bryan Smith for my first course along the lines of spiritual formation. The second course used Grasping God's Word by Duvall and Hays. Next up this year will be Survey of the OT using Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey by Arnold and Beyer.

    But, while not much free reading time is available we have learned to use our 45-50 minute each way commute to work listening to On Script, Seminary Dropout, Biblical World, Stone Chapel, Exegetically Speaking, Betwixt at the Intersection of Faith and Culture and others. That led to books by or referred to by podcast guests placed on my birthday and Xmas lists.

    Thus added to my library this last year were: The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine; Swoboda's Subversive Sabbath; Paul and Palestinian Judaism by Sanders (Davies' Paul and Rabbinic Judaism I have had, browsed and used for decades); The State of New Testament Studies by McKnight and Gupta; Going Deeper with New Testament Greek - Kostenberger, Merkle, Plummer; Kostenberger and Patterson's Invitation to Biblical Interpretation; The Jewish Annotated New Testament Levine and Brettler eds.

    I will never get through them in a year but hope to use the material in the certificate program as well as future studies. Like sap rising in a tree we are getting the urge to start a small group again. Material by Imes, Bearing God's Name is on our list to plug into that series at some point.

    There has been one more recent library acquisition. Raised in, and attending for 60 years, a fellowship in which women could not teach a male over 12 years of age, make Sunday am announcements, lead the common assembly in prayer or song, much less preach we now find ourselves in an independent congregation with male and female pastors, male and female elders, male and female everything (and it has charismatic roots to boot!) So we have been searching our pod casts for updated thinking on 'the role of women.' Which led to Beth Allison Barr. I now have her the Making of Biblical Womanhood. Though, one of our daughters took it. I will read through that when it comes back.

    Thanks for sharing your top reads. Some of those are now on my 'to get' list. You are a great resource for folks like us.

    1. Thanks for sharing about what you've been reading, too! So glad you're making time to keep learning.

  4. My reading list just got longer..... in such a good way.
