

Podcast and Radio Interviews

Podcast Interviews on Being God's Image

Exegetically Speaking with David Capes (11 min)
We discuss Genesis 1:26-28 and tackle the grammatical reason for my insistence that humans are the image of God, rather than being created "in" the image of God.

The Biblical Mind with Dru Johnson (38 min)

We talk about gender, sexuality, and gender roles, artificial intelligence, ethics, and so much more. Conversations with Dru are always an adventure! 

Podcast Interviews on Various Topics

The Holy Post with Skye Jethani (30 min)
We talk about the literary design of Exodus and some of the difficult texts (including the hardening of Pharaoh's heart). 

Excavate with Jamie Donne and Heather Strong Moore (54 min)

We discuss the women of the Exodus and their key role in Moses' redemption and the literary design of the whole book. 

ProveText with Michael Halcomb (51 min)

Michael and I talk explore a day in the life of a biblical scholar (me!). Along the way we chat about Exodus and my recent trip to Israel. 

Quick to Listen with Morgan Lee and Ted Olsen at Christianity Today (51 min)
What can the Bible teach us about sickness and healing, particularly for political leaders? We discussed President Trump's COVID diagnosis in light of the Old Testament.

Spartan Theology with Ethan Bergen (76 min)

Ethan interviewed me about an article I wrote for a Festschrift in honor of John Walton. The book is called For Us but Not to Us. My article is entitled "The Lost World of the Torah: Functional Ontology and the Creation of a Nation."

Two Christians and a Jew with Jennifer Brown Jones, Frank, and Meir Simcha (65 min)

We discuss the concept of the image of God and compare how Jews and Christians have understood it through the centuries. A rich conversation!

BK Apologist with Alfredo Valentin (48 min)

I respond to Andy Stanley's claim that the church should unhitch from the Old Testament. We also talk about claims that the Bible plagiarizes from other sources. I highlight two takeaways from the Old Testament that EVERY Christian needs to understand. And we discuss how the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) is organized differently than the Christian Old Testament, and what difference it makes. This was so much fun!

Reading the Bible Today @ Regent College, Vancouver (64 min)

A brief lecture on the "slavery" laws of Exodus 21, considering whether the Bible is good news for people of color, followed by live Q&A.

Quick to Listen with Morgan Lee and Ted Olsen at Christianity Today (72 min)

We discussed Old Testament practices of naming in light of the San Francisco School Board's decision to rename 44 of its schools, removing names such as Abraham Lincoln and George Washington from schools.

 On Biblical Scholarship with Eric Rosenberry (32 min)

Why did I chose to go into biblical studies? What advice do I have for those starting out in academia? Why did I choose to study at Wheaton College? Why Old Testament?

Naked Bible Podcast (Episode 131) with Michael Heiser (67 min total)

This was my first ever podcast interview back in 2016. We discussed my dissertation, later published as Bearing YHWH's Name at Sinai: A Reexamination of the Name Command of the Decalogue (Eisenbrauns 2018). As a special bonus, NT Wright also appears in this episode! 

Remnant Radio with Josh Lewis and Michael Rowntree (60 min)

We had a conversation about my latest book, Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends. I share what I like and don't like about Augustine's approach to the Psalms and introduce some of the other voices in the book, such as John Calvin and Gertrude the Great. We also talk about why and how to pray the Psalms.

Alabaster Jar with Lynn Cohick and Ingrid Faro (34 min)

We focus on aspects of my work that relate to women -- women as the image of God, women in the Exodus narratives, and women in ministry.

Exegetically Speaking with David Capes (7 min)

We briefly discuss what I feel is the most misunderstood word in the book of Ecclesiastes, and why it matters for interpretation. 

Regent Podcast with Octavio Fernandez y Mostajo and Claire Perini (68 min)

Octavio and Claire threw me a wide range of questions, from Sinai to Proverbs and from Chronicles to Judges. If you want to know the right way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or what a theophany is, this is the episode for you! I also explain why I'd choose the lion's den over the belly of a great fish.

Context Matters with Cyndi Parker (27 min + 26 min)

In Part 1, Cyndi asked me about my childhood and the origins of my love for the Old Testament. Then we delved into the concept of bearing God's name.

In Part 2, Cyndi and I talked about how to make sense of the troubling laws on slavery in Exodus 21. We had a rich conversation about biblical law and the character of God.
 There's Good News for the Hood with Vaughn Edmeade (54 min)

Vaughn and I had a great conversation about women and minorities in biblical scholarship.

Christ and Culture with Benjamin Quinn (32 min)

Dr. Quinn and I give a recap of my talk at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on the image of God, discussing what the Old Testament says about being human. Listen to the end if embarassing stories are your jam.

Uncommon Pursuit with Carson Weitnauer (76 min)

Carson and I talked about what it means to be a Christian, specifically using the lens of bearing God's name. We considered what God expects of us, how to respond when Christians around us fail to bear God's name well, and how the law navigates power dynamics. I also gave a sneak preview of my next book, Being God's Image.  

Bible Project with Tim Mackie and John Collins (62 min)

As part of the Bible Project series on Exodus, we discussed how to understand Israel's refusal to ascend Mt. Sinai. I offered a different perspective from that of John Sailhamer discussed earlier in the series. Based on the work of Michael Kibbe, I see their refusal as a positive development that shows their fear of Yahweh and acceptance of Moses as their mediator. We also discuss Richard Middleton's new book, Abraham's Silence.

Marc Jolicoeur (57 min)

Marc asked me about my new book on the image of God (not released yet) and we reflected on my experience speaking at a conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. We discussed lots of hot topics, including systemic injustice and the SBC. 

First Century Youth Ministry with Heather Quiroz (20 min, 18 min, 15 min)

We recorded two episodes, one on the Old Testament law as a gift and the other -- a two-part episode -- on women in ministry. What should the church do with gifted women? These are especially geared toward youth pastors who want to help their students connect with the Hebraic context of Jesus' ministry, but the insights apply to anyone. 

Alabaster Jar with Lynn Cohick

I recorded four episodes for a series on women of the Bible with Lynn Cohick where we address myths and see what lessons we can learn from some of the Bible's greatest women. Part 1 (21 min) features Eve, Mary, and Mary Magdalene. Part 2 features Miriam and Huldah, Phoebe and Junia. Part 3 features Ruth and Hannah. Part 4 features Zipporah and Rizpah, Euodia and Syntyche.

Fresh Text with John Drury (55 min)

Fresh Text explores passages appearing in the Revised Common Lectionary to help pastors prepare their sermons. John and I discussed Psalm 82, a psalm that raises all sorts of questions -- Are there other gods? What is the divine council? Who is speaking in the psalm? How is this relevant today?

PreachIt! with Alan Stanley (63 min)

In this episode we discussed the role of the Old Testament Law for Christians and how to preach Old Testament Law. I list resources that are helpful for understanding the nature and purpose of OT Law and express the essence of the law--to protect the vulnerable. We talk about Paul's views on the law and why we need to start with the OT rather than the NT in order to understand him. 

Faith Unaltered with Tyler Fowler (72 min)

Thought Decoder with Sean Mixon (58 min)

We talked about the nature of Messianic Prophecy.

Joli Thoughts with Marc Jolicouer (58 min)

Ring Them Bells with Jason Bostow (78 min)

We covered a wide range of topics, from my academic story to what it's like as a woman in biblical studies, to the topic of my book Bearing God's Name and my reactions to a few of Jason's recent favorites. We also talked about the Bible Project and one of Tim Mackie's recent lectures for the 24-7 Prayer Conference at Bridgetown Church in Portland.

The Theology of . . . [Women] with Benjamin Corneliusen and Ryker Lutjens

This podcast interview focused on what the Bible teaches about women. We talked about the dignity of women and their role in God's work in the world.

The Two Testaments with Will Kynes and Rony Kozman (66 min)

This series delves into passages in Deuteronomy. Naturally for my episode we talked about Deuteronomy 5 (and 14). We discuss what to call the Ten Commandments (Decalogue?), how they are numbered in various religious traditions, the nature of the “two tablets” and whether they deal with vertical and horizontal commands, their contribution to the treaty between God and his people, misconceptions about each commandment, and whether Deuteronomy follows their structure.

52 Weeks in the Word with Trillia Newbell (11 min)

What is the Torah? And why is it important for Christians to read? I give a recap of the overall story and talk about how it's a cross cultural experience to read it.


Podcast Interviews about Bearing God's Name (IVP)

The Naked Bible Podcast with Michael Heiser (74 minutes)
We discuss the nature of Old Testament law, the heart of biblical theology, and what it's like to be a woman in the world of biblical scholarship.
Heath in Pursuit with Heath Hollensbe (48 minutes)
This was such a fun interview! We talk about the Ten Commandments, the beauty of the Old Testament, the power of liminal space, how to find Jesus in the Old Testament, and more.
The Shaun Tabatt Show (29 minutes)
Shaun asked such great questions! We talked about the relevance of the OT and what we miss if we "unhitch" from it, the uniqueness of God's personal name, the power of liminal space, the literary structure of Exodus, the Ten Commandments, my favorite Hebrew word, the meaning of Exodus 20:7, and how it relates to the Lord's Prayer. I also tell the story of some miracle french bread.
Disrupters Podcast with Esau McCaulley (48 minutes)
Esau and I discussed my journey into biblical studies as a woman and consider ways to encourage women and minorities in scholarship. I tell stories of how I was disruptive as a kid. I claim that the lists of names in Numbers are very good news. We also touch on the book, in particular reconciling my very positive view of the Torah with Paul's view. Esau wants you all to know that he started reading my blog long before I was famous. 
Food Trucks in Babylon (Western Seminary) with Patrick Schreiner and Todd Miles (51 minutes)
In this interview I show how uncultured I am when it comes to eating out, and I make my best attempt to bridge to the disciplines of theology and New Testament studies. This was a good conversation about what's at stake when we "unhitch" from the Old Testament.
Bible Project with Tim Mackie and Jon Collins (56 minutes)
Join us as we talk about the Name Command (Exodus 20:7), how the Israelite high priest is a visual model of the role of Israel as a nation, how this relates to the temple being the "place of the name," and how God's name is profaned and sanctified. We touch on the Lord's Prayer, John's vision in Revelation, and the way the my book breaks new ground in publishing. As a bonus, we also talk about how we met and how Ray Lubeck influenced all three of us. Little known fact: Jon Collins was one of my first students!
Remnant Radio with Josh Lewis and Michael Roundtree (66 minutes)
We talk about the OT law and how it applies to Christians, how different denominations count the 10 commandments differently, what's new about the new covenant, and how Jesus relates to the law.
Portions with Scott Volk (Part 1, 21 minutes, and Part 2, 31 minutes)
In part 1 of this two-part interview we talk about how the OT law is a gift, not a means of salvation. In part 2 we look at challenging NT texts that seem to characterize the law negatively and we consider whether Christians today must keep the Sabbath.
Church Grammar with Brandon Smith (39 minutes)
We discuss the Institute for Biblical Research (2:05), YHWH and Sinai (3:00), God's covenants and the Great Commission (16:43), Gentile inclusion and the "spirit" of the Law (24:58), and practical implications for bearing God's name (34:50). 
(Re)thinking Faith with Josh Patterson and Marty Frederick (69 minutes)
We address misconceptions about the Old Testament and specifically how the law functions. We talk about the command not to make "graven images" and its afterlife in the church today. And of course we talk about what it means to "bear Yahweh's name."
Theology of Hustle with Currey Blandford (57 minutes)
We talk about the need to understand and love the Old Testament. We also cover women in ministry, biblical theology, liminal space, and of course the name command.
Conversations with Michael Carroll (41 minutes)
We talk about my doctoral mentor, Daniel Block, how I landed on this topic, and how to read the Name Command. We talk about salvation (in connection with Matthew Bates' 'Gospel Allegiance') and biblical resources for navigating a global pandemic. Then I offer some bonus content, not in the book, showing how the Old Testament can be a means of transformation for Christians.
OnScript with Matt Lynch (55 minutes)
We discuss what's new about the new covenant, what it means to be God's treasured possession, and how to interpret the command not to "take" God's name in vain. I talk about the influence of my mentor, Daniel Block. We also do a "speed round" in which I answer the question, "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"
The Outpost with Josh McNall (61 minutes)
I share my church background and how I ended up in as an academic. We talk about what it means to bear God's name and I address potential objections to my interpretation. Josh asks me about the concept of election as blob tag, and I choose one person from the Old Testament with whom I'd love to spend a day (any guesses?). 
Working for the Word with Andrew Case (78 minutes)
This is a podcast designed especially for Bible translators, so we went a bit deeper and got more technical than the typical podcast interview. Andrew asked me about passages that may seem to contradict my interpretation of Exodus 20:7, and we talked about the difficult work of communicating the truths of Scripture in another language.
Center for Hebraic Thought with Dru Johnson (32 minutes)
Dru and I discuss how the laws of the Old Testament can inform Christian ethics, using examples. 
Daily Thinker with Augustine Madiebo
Augustine gets the award for most enthusiastic reader of Bearing God's Name! His energy is palpable and he's passionate about getting this message to his generation.

Theology Project with Matt O'Reilly (57 min)

Matt asked me about the value of the Old Testament for Christians, how to read the Name Command (Exodus 20:7), and why it becomes an interpretive key for the entire canon.

The Stone Table with Travis and Mickey Lowe (49 min)
This is the podcast for Baylife Church in Florida, a Southern Baptist church after their church's sermon series on Exodus. We talk about our journey into missions.

Anna Moseley Gissing of InterVarsity Press interviewed me for Seminary Now (24 min)

Anna is my editor at IVP. We had a fun time talking about Bearing God's Name!

Expedition 44 with Will Ryan and Matt Mouzakis (47 min)

Expedition 44 is a podcast of Covenant Theological Seminary in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. In addition to Bearing God's Name, we discuss the dangers of Christian Nationalism.

First Reading with Tim McNinch and Rachel Wrenn (43 min)

We approached the Ten Commandments more broadly with tips for pastors about how to preach this text. What important things do pastors need to know that will help them do it justice? 

Between the Creations with Laurien Hook (42 min)

Laurien and I had a great talk about the Law, Jesus, and why we should dig deep into the Old Testament.

The Stone Chapel with David Capes (21 min)

A good introductory conversation to the topic of bearing God's name.

Life. Together. Unscripted. with Dom Macaluso (56 min)

Dom is a Presbyterian pastor from Southern California living in Australia. He and I had an unscripted conversation about Old Testament law and how to support women in ministry in complementarian contexts.

Youth Ministry Team with Jeremy MacDonald and Marc Jolicoeur (46 min)

We talked about what it means to take God's name in vain and how our answer matters to teenagers. What are we teaching them about the Old Testament and about their mission in the world? How can we equip teenagers to have a thoughtful engagement with the world?

'Can I Say This in Church?' with Seth Price (53 min)

We cover all the bases: the meaning of the Name Command, what it means to be the image of God, why the church still needs the Old Testament. Another fun conversation!

Exegetically Speaking with David Capes (7 min)

We briefly discuss Exodus 20:7 and why I don't think it is focused on the way we say God's name.

Wesley Seminary Podcast with Aaron Perry (40 min)

Why does the Old Testament still matter? How is it missional? How does the command not to bear God's name in vain become an organizing principle for the entire Bible? How does Jesus relate to OT law and how does it continue to function today? Is there an unforgivable sin? What should we do with passages in the Bible that offend us?

Jude 3 Project with Lisa Fields (33 min)

We talked about the concept of bearing God's name and contemporary examples of how we might live it out.

Radically Normal  with Andrei Garcia and Michael Betrus (34 min)

We talked about the command not to bear God's name in vain as well as the role of the law in general. How is the law missional? How is it applicable today? 

The Innkeepers with Kara Githens and Steve Price (49 min)

This podcast is designed for missionaries and those involved in missionary care. So, althought we talked about Bearing God's Name, we specifically related it to our family's experience as missionaries with SIM and considered how the Old Testament provides a foundation for missionary work. 

Radio Interviews

Prairie Radio with Dan Callaway (17 minutes)
We discuss the release of Bearing God's Name and some of its big ideas.
Songtime Radio with Adam Miller (27 minutes)
We talk about why the Old Testament is essential for Christians and how we can find grace in it.


  1. Thank you- I am reading your book now - actually i am listening on audible. I am also doing your class on Exodus through the Bible Project. So thankful for both.

  2. Ryan Martin - Kairos ClassroomApril 17, 2023 at 11:54 AM

    Thank you, Dr. Imes! We at Kairos Classroom are big fans of your work. What is the best way for us to contact you for business inquiries, speaking engagements, etc. We would love to find more ways to promote your work for our students and connect with your ministry.

  3. I have watched a number of your videos and appreciate the insight you share. Recently a friend asked a sincere question about the possibility of salvation for those who lived before the time when Christ came as a human to earth. I am wondering about this too. I know what the Bible says about Abraham. I also know that Jesus said he has sheep not from "this sheep pen" so I assume that is retroactive and there were non-Israelites in the Old Testament who could have been saved. And Jesus also said that those who do his will are his mother and brothers (or something like that). Of course we know Ruth and Rahab were saved, but what about others? I would love more insight on this from you because of your deep focus on the Old Testament. Thank you.

    1. This is a question that many have wrestled with over the centuries. We're not in a position to know with certainty who will enter the new creation and who will not. Those who walked with God in the Old Testament, depending on his grace, are usually understood to be included because of Christ's future work, to which they are looking forward. Non-Israelites could be included depending on their faith in Yahweh and recognition of his claim to exclusive loyalty. Ultimately, we'll have to wait and see how God works it out.
